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Our Shop

Check out our offerings

We have a variety of kayaks, SUPs, paddles, and accessories for sale at our store! Check out some of the offerings below.


Custom Sun Protector

Grab yourself a custom Headskinz Sun Protector to stay safe while out in the sun.

Purchase them with your online booking and pay $6, regular $12 in store.

a group of people on a boat

Bait, Tackle, Drink, and Ice creams

We sell a variety of products in our shop to purchase before you go out on your boat. We have a freezer full of bait with prawns, squid, frozen worms, pilchards and chicken gut and many more choices during peak times as well so no need to stop and buy it on you way here. We have a full range of drink like Coke, Pepsi, No sugar Coke/Pepsi, Gatorade, Monster, Red bull and so many more options to choice from. On those hot days when out in the sun and you feel like an ice cream we have a full range of streets ice cream like Magnums, Gaytime, Paddle Pops, BubblO Bill to cool you off. If you forget you tackle at home no worry we have you covered with hooks, sinker, line, lures and hand reels if you need the extra line.

Watersports Accessories

We sell a variety of item for boating and watersports in our shop. In our shop you can find many boating parts like bungs, anchors combos, flushing earmuffs, fenders, batteries for all sort of vessels and lots more in store. Watersports is a big part of our shop so we stock lots of options to buy such as Kayak and Sups, Paddles, Lifejackets, PFD’s, ankle straps, Ski ropes, Tubes and even more.